An orchid praying mantis

Orchid mantis, Hymenopus coronatus. Igor Siwanowicz. Source:

When I first saw the image, I thought – this has to be photoshop at its finest. But no, there really is a praying mantis that is commonly known as the orchid mantis, Hymenopus coronatus. The image here, by Igor Siwanowicz, was shamelessly copied from an article in The Conversation. 

The article was published in January 2015 with a title of “Secrets of the orchid mantis revealed – it doesn’t mimic an orchid after all.” The mantis in this image doesn’t look exactly like the orchid although some other images I’ve found surfing the web certainly do. The article discusses some then new research that suggests that mimicry that’s close enough is good enough: these mantises apparently mimic a “generalized” flower.

While flowers, and orchids are prime examples, are known to mimic insects, according to the article, the orchid mantis is the first known insect to mimic a flower.