If trees could talk…

A recent find from The Plant Initiative @Plant_Init on twitter – an approximately 25 minute podcast from the Australian Radio National titled If trees could talk … what do you think they’d say to us? Not that I’ve listened to it all yet. Some of the speakers include Peter Wohlleben (his The Hidden Life of Trees was the first book we read), David Chamovitz (we read his What a Plant Knows), and Monica Gagliano (we’ll be reading Thus Spoke the Plant in 2023) – so, old friends and new.

When we read Sumana Roy’s book, we learned about the Melborne initiative that allows people to write letters to trees. Some links related to that, as well as other topics, may be found in the summary of How I Became a Tree.

It certainly seems like our “Down Under” neighbors are engaging with some of our tallest neighbors, the trees.