March and April

On March 7 we discussed Gary Paul Nabhan’s Mesquite, an Arboreal Love Affair. How to describe this book? Petey Mesquitey (a nom de plume) wrote in the Foreword: “So you are about to go on a marvelous mesquite journey filled with stories that will sometimes have you belly laughing, sometimes have you thinking maybe you’re working on your thesis, or maybe even striking a chord that makes you quietly weep …” And that really summarizes this book. Read the longer report of our discussion and interesting links here.

The hybrid meeting seems to be working well for us. It’s great that our travelling members plus the occasional new out-of-town friend can join us so easily.

On April 4 we’ll be discussing Sumana Roy’s How I Became a Tree. All I can say is what’s not to like about a book whose opening lines are: “At first it was the underwear. I wanted to become a tree because trees did not wear bras.”